How Independent Funeral Industry Support Services (IFISS) can assist with Funeral Home Relief and Emergency Staffing

Independent Funeral Industry Support Services (IFISS) was established to help create a resilient, professional industry.

Having worked at every level of their industry, our founders Kathryn and Johanna saw there was a need for funeral operators and their staff to be able to access the types of support systems and structures that existed in similar workplaces that require such a broad and extensive range of skills.

Kathryn and Johanna noticed that a significant gap in support systems was when experiencing operational and staffing challenges. This is what led them to incorporate emergency relief into the IFISS’ range of services.

That’s right, the IFISS team is here to help!

IFISS can provide experienced personnel to cover staff shortages due to holidays, illness or an unexpected increase in workload. Our adaptable and agile team is able to take over a wide variety of roles seamlessly.

Administration and management

To help you continue to operate efficiently and smoothly, IFISS is able to provide assistance with administration and management including day to day operations and managing teams.

Customer Service

When you’re suddenly low on staff, IFISS will jump in to help and our highly trained staff will make sure your excellent customer service continues.

With excellent interpersonal skills and extensive experience working in high stress and emotionally charged situations, the IFISS team can adapt to any situation.

Arranging and Conducting

Our qualified and compassionate team can also help with arranging and conducting when you’re in a staffing bind. We’ll ensure that every funeral is tailored to the family and their loved ones so you can be confident the level of care delivered is reflective of your brand values.


Many people still choose embalming for their loved ones and we’re here to support you with embalming services when you need them. IFISS is able to provide a full range of on-site and mobile mortuary services. We also have our own mortuary facilities in Melbourne.

Our experienced team can help with full reconstruction, embalming for overseas repatriation, embalming for in-home stay, homicide autopsy and basic preparations.

If you are experiencing operational and staffing challenges, we are here to help. Talk to the team at IFISS today about what we can do to support and grow your business.


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