IFISS COVID Update – Victoria from 6pm Friday 29th October 2021

The latest Easing of Restrictions now apply and The State of Emergency has been declared until the 18th November 2021. We have attached the amended Stay Safe Directions for your reference.

6pm Friday 29th October 2021 the following restrictions will apply (subject to change)

  • Regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne are now on the same restrictions, enabling people from Melbourne to travel to regional Victoria and interstate again.
  • no caps subject to a DQ4 (1 per 4sqm) limit, if all staff and patrons are fully vaccinated. Most outdoor settings will remain at DQ2 (1 per 2sqm) limit up to 500, fully vaccinated.
  • These indoor and outdoor settings also apply to funerals if all attendees are fully vaccinated.
  • Caps of 30 people will apply for funerals if vaccination status is unknown.(see attachment highlighted sections)
  • Masks will remain mandatory indoors but are no longer required outdoors. It is highly recommended you continue to wear a mask outdoors where you cannot physically distance

On the advice of our public health team, all workers – in Melbourne and regional Victoria – on the Authorised Worker list will require their first COVID-19 vaccine dose by Friday, 15 October in order to continue working onsite. They will need to be fully vaccinated by 26 November

Stay Safe and enjoy the weekend. Please be careful on the roads.

Kind regards,

IFISS Team Support


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