IFISS COVID Update – IFISS’ policies, procedures and COVID Safe plan

Dear Friends of IFISS,

As Victoria prepares to open up soon, we are updating, preparing & finalising IFISS’ policies, procedures and COVID Safe plan. It is possible that the Virus will spread during this time so our team members will be operating at different times. This should not impact you or our services to you. It will, however, prevent us from being able to assist you should one of us become ill for any reason and infects the whole team. This is what we want to avoid.

Last year we put into place restricted areas, processes and followed the State Emergency Laws.

This will continue, and everyone is welcome at IFISS, however, upon entry you will need to follow the directions:

  • Masks to be worn prior to you entering the premises (can be lowered when eating or drinking)
  • QR Scan in
  • Sanitise hands
  • Maintain social distance
  • Do not enter if you are showing symptoms of illness.

Where we can, we will stagger your collection bookings so you can enjoy a lower-risk space to have a chat and treat!

If you have any questions or any additional needs, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Please be kind to each other and continue to find the positives, as we begin to open up to our new way of life, for now. You are always welcome to drop in for a game of under 12 Trivia, Kathy has not won a game yet!

Kind regards,

IFISS Team Support


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